ROTOR 160mm
The MT8 features the a full carbon body, and carbon lay blade and clamp and plenty of other key features, which are listed below. The Carbotecture Brake – Stronger, Lighter, and Ingenious.
With the MT8 Magura presents the worldwide most clever disc brake ever with Carbotecture SL Master and Carbolay lever blade, manufactured in their innovative Carboflow process.
Based on the Magura Performance Factor the MT8 is the new benchmark on the disc brake market. Despite the awesome weight features the MT8 makes you forget the well-known problems of the ultra-lightweight competitors’ products – thanks to Carbotecture SL.
Technical features: Open hydraulic disc brake system with a completely integrated reservoir with EBT technology for superfast and convenient bleeding. The dual piston fixed caliper with automatic pad wear adjustment in a smart One Piece Design for maximum stiffness. Pad wear thickness can be checked without removal of the pads.
The master is made out of our innovative Carbotecture SL with a incredible light and durable Carbolay lever blade. Featuring a cool look, distinctively enhanced durability and optimized friction performance for stunning brake
Featherlight carbon 2-finger blade with integrated reach adjust. All fitting bolts made of aluminium
Rotor ukuran 160mm
Enam Baut
MT8 memiliki fitur bodi karbon penuh, dan bilah dan penjepit karbon dan banyak fitur utama lainnya, yang tercantum di bawah ini. Rem Karbotektur – Lebih Kuat, Lebih Ringan, dan Cerdik.
Dengan MT8 Magura menghadirkan rem cakram paling pintar di seluruh dunia dengan Carbotecture SL Master dan bilah tuas Carbolay, diproduksi dalam proses Carboflow yang inovatif.
Berdasarkan Magura Performance Factor, MT8 adalah tolok ukur baru di pasar rem cakram. Terlepas dari fitur bobot yang luar biasa, MT8 membuat Anda melupakan masalah terkenal dari pesaing ultra-ringan’. produk – berkat Carbotecture SL.
Fitur teknis: Sistem rem cakram hidraulik ter